Mastering the Basics of Database Management Systems

An Introduction to Database Management Systems for Beginners

In today’s world 2.5 quintillion bytes of data is produced every day (that’s 2.5 followed by a staggering 18 zeros!). Collection and management of data in proper play a huge role to get efficient output from collected data. That’s where the Database Management system comes in. Let’s first understand what is exactly Data.

Data is defined as facts or figures, or information that’s stored in or used by a computer. Data can be found in various forms like tables (rows and columns), images, videos, audio files, text, and many more.

Database definition -

A database is an organized collection of structured information, or data, which is stored electronically in a computer system. A database is usually controlled by a database management system (DBMS).

A database is a collection of interrelated data and a description of data that is designed to meet the information needed by one organization.

Nowadays most commonly used database type is a structured database. A structured database consists of rows and columns in a series of tables. This makes processing and retrieving data efficient. The data in tables can be easily accessed, managed, modified, updated, controlled, and organized. The language used for this kind of structured database is known as structured query language (SQL).

Characteristics of database Management system -

  • Real-world entity

  • Relational databases

  • Isolation of data and application

  • Multiuser and concurrent access

  • Transactional processing

  • Data mining

  • Data security and integrity

Types of databases-

  1. Relational database — Items in a relational database are organized as a set of tables with columns and rows. It provides the most efficient and flexible way to access structured information.

  2. Object-oriented database — Just like object-oriented programming, information in the object-oriented database is represented in the form of objects.

  3. Distributed database — A distributed database consists of two or more files located in different sited.

  4. Data warehouse — A central repository for data.

  5. NoSQL database — Nonrelational database allows unstructured and semistructured data to be stored and manipulated.

  6. Graph database — A graph database stores data in terms of entities and the relationship between entities.

  7. Cloud databases — A cloud database is a collection of data, it may be structured or unstructured, that resides on a private, public and hybrid cloud computing platform.

  8. Multimodel database — Multimodel databases combine different types of database models into a single, integrated back end.

  9. Document / JSON database — It is designed for document-oriented information.

Need for DBMS -

  • Creation of a database.

  • Retrieval of information from the database.

  • Updating the database.

  • Managing a database.

  1. Processing Queries and Object Management: We can directly store data in the form of objects in a DBMS and it gives us the ability to query the database.

  2. Controlling redundancy and inconsistency: Repeated instance of the same data is known as Redundancy. A DBMS uses data normalization to avoid redundancy and duplicates.

  3. Efficiency memory management and indexing: In a file system query operation scans the entire file whereas in DBMS object indexing takes place efficiently through database schema based on any attribute of the data. It helps in the fast retrieval of data based on the indexed attribute.

  4. Concurrency control and transaction management: A DBMS provides a way to deal with data inconsistency problems while allowing users to access data concurrently. DBMS implements ACID(Atomicity, Durability, Isolation, Consistency) properties to ensure efficient transaction management without data corruption.

  5. Access control and ease in accessing data: A DBMS can grant access to various users and determine which part and how much of the data can they access from the database thus removing redundancy.

Thank you for reading. Have a good day ! 😁

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